Friday, May 30, 2008

Grocery Game

This is by far the best way I save money for my family. Check out to join the game and begin saving money on your groceries. The game consists of a weekly grocery list that combines coupons with sales to save money. It shows you when something is at a rock bottom price and when it is just a sale. The whole concept is based on stockpiling and the 12-week sale cycle. Most sales cycle through every 12 weeks or so. I've been on the game about 7 months now and will say this is pretty much true. When I start getting low on an item, I know that the next sale cycle is just around the corner. The cost is $1 for the first four weeks and then $10 every 8 weeks after that. If you want an additional list (ex. Walgreens, CVS), it is $5 every 8 weeks. With three referrals, you receive 12 weeks free. If you would like to use me a referral, type in light52b at yahoo dot com (typed like a normal email address) in the referral area.

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